I wanted it to be shaped to have a meaning, He created the drama by noticing it as a drama. Interpreting literature, then my student was right.
The episode, I could see how it fit a broad definition of drama: it was a conflict and it was resolved by the #1? One student talked about seeing an argument at work between two And that conflict made me want to sharpen myĭefinition, even though I learned from their example. My students were working with a definition of drama that challenged mine. With multiple story lines but usually only one resolution per episode. It could be a tv series such as West Wing
Street theater like those I'd read about sponsored by the charity Save theĪmong a largely illiterate population about the dangers of AIDS. It didn't matter whether the story was on a With characters acting out a conflict that is resolved. Students, I had no problem with examples of movies, tv shows, videotapes, and The dramas you have seen in the last two weeks. Inclusive definition based on our own reality. Years ago I asked my class to list all the dramas they had seen in the last twoīy starting with what we felt was drama, we would come up with an You work online, if you encounter vocabulary you are unfamiliar with, youĬan get a definition and pronunciation by looking the word up at īecause you see so much of it-tv, movies, videos, live drama (high school or Remember that words shown in boldface may be on.